
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.15 (3,335,687 bytes)
MD5: ab7c11b63cd2476eb1382348fdf71626
Upload: Jul. 20, 2023
What New
1. Abnormal termination countermeasures for FEP ON/OFF have been abolished.
2. 64-bit and 32-bit versions included.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.14
1. Prevented the abnormal termination by FEP ON/OFF on Windows 11 version 22H2 Japanese version.
    This problem has been resolved by the following Windows Update.
    2022-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5020044)
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.13
1. The SSL library (ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll) for HTPPS access is no longer needed.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.12
1. Enabled automatic correction of EOW rollover of GPS time (Return to the original due to battery exhaustion).
2. EPO file can be downloaded from HTTP host.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.11
August 8, 2019: Version information was embedded in the executable file.
1. Fixed the bug that the file name passed to started NMEA2KMZ.exe is garbled.
2. Added check box to start/end NMEA2KMZ.exe automatically.
3. Changed the caption of "KML/KMZ" button to "KMZ/GPX".
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.10
1. The Open/Save dialog is displayed in the center of the main form.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.09
1. Supported multiple displays.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.08
1. Enabled to correspond to reduced display on High DPI display by ChangeMani.exe.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.07
1. Improved serial port scan.
    In the case of no detection at the initial baud rate, rescan was performed from high speed to low speed.
    The maximum baud rate can be specified by "MaxBaud" in the [Option] section of the configuration file (default is 115200bps).
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.06
1. Changing the communication speed was prohibited when the communication speed was 115,200 bps or more.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.05
1. Increased the number of DropDownCount in the baud rate pulldown menu.
2. Changed the default font to Tahoma, size 8.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.04
1. Exclude busy ports from the serial port list (do not check Bluetooth as response decreases).
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.03
1. The integer part of the latitude and longitude of the NMEA output sentence was changed to
    the fixed number of digits.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.02
1. Fixed a bug that the date display of "UTC Date" of "NMEA data" becomes illegal depending on the region.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.01
1. Added progress display to taskbar icon (Windows 7 and later).
2. The compiler was changed to Delphi 10.2 Starter.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 2.00
1. A measure of a EOW problem was performed.
2. The character code of the configuration file was changed to Unicode (Does not change existing settings file).
3. The compiler was changed to Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
4. The character code of the document was changed to UTF-8.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.13
1. Displays the "FriendlyName" by serial port selection.
    URL of a document was corrected (June 14, 2016).
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.12
1. New firmware of "GNS 2000" was supported.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.11
1. The port that did not exist in the port scan was not scanned.
2. 230400bps and 460800bps were added to the baud rate.
3. "LogDateOffset" was added to the [Option] section of the configuration file.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.10
1. SaveDialog was changed into the old type in order to prevent a hang-up.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.09
1. The Galileo sentence was supported.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.08
1. When "NMEA setting" panel was selected, the content of the display was updated.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.07
1. GR-5013 of the NaviSys Technology Co. was registered
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.06
1. A new firmware of PA6C was registered.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.05
1. Gms-g6 and Gms-b6 were supported.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.04
1. PA6H was supported.
2. All LOCUS modes were supported (Basic, Racing, Search, Saving, All).
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.03
1. GNS 2000 was supported.
    The log interval, the NMEA cycle, and the NMEA sentence can be selected with GNS 2000.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.02
1. When DPI on the display was changed, the layout was maintained
    (The adjustment of the fontsize is necessary).
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.01
1. When the bit of Mode was not set, "Time, Distance, and Speed" of "Logger Status"
    were displayed by zero.
2. The Erase dialog was closed automatically.
GlobalTop GPS Download Utility Ver 1.00
1. The name is changed from PA6C_DLut to GT_DLut.
2. Gms-g6a and Gms-g9 was supported.
3. It allowed you to change an interval of the log.
4. The SNR bar graph has been enhanced up to 32 satellites for the GNSS mode.
5. Searched for the baud rate by the port scan.
GlobalTop PA6C Download Utility Ver 0.12beta
1. The false detection of the GPS model when it starts first time has been improved.
GlobalTop PA6C Download Utility Ver 0.12beta
1. The status display of AlwaysLocate has been improved.
GlobalTop PA6C Download Utility Ver 0.11beta
1. The mistake of the AlwaysLocate command was corrected.
GlobalTop PA6C Download Utility Ver 0.10beta
The log data is downloaded from GPS logger of GlobalTop PA6C(Default specification).
